I wanna learn new things everyday, I don't know much about vocabulary or grammar then every single new words should be my bread and butter for meal.I do like to be 'Kamus Bergerak' on the go, still learning and keeps on going to learn.

Here is the pillar of KKLW ministry, it is just few pillars but i did some mistakes while translating it.

Original version:-

Teras 1 = Pembangunan prasarana dan ameniti sosial
Teras 2 = Pembasmi kemiskinan
Teras 3 = Pembangunan tanah & wilayah
Teras 4 = Pembangunan ekonomi desa
Teras 5 = Pembangunan Manusia & institusi sosial
Teras 6 = Pembangunan teknologi maklumat & komunikasi
Teras 7 = Pembangunan masyarakat orang asli

My version :-

Core 1 = Infrastructure development and social amenity
Core 2 = Poverty abolitionist
Core 3 = Land & province development
Core 4= Rural economic development
Core 5 = Human & Social Institution Development
Core 6 = Information technology & communication development
Core 7 = Native people/ aborigines community development

English version:- (after been reviewed by translator partner)

Pillar 1 = Development of infrastructures and social amenities
Pillar 2 = Eradication of poverty
Pillar 3 = Development of land and territory
Pillar 4 = Development of rural economy
Pillar 5 = Development of Human and social institutions
Pillar 6 = Development of communication and information technology
Pillar 7 = Development of Orang Asli communities

The slight ambiguity in term of translation happend depends on our knowledge and level of language skills. There's nothing wrong with language as long as we understood the actual meaning, it is where the accurancy and situation of where to use the sentences matters the most.
Eureka! eureka! :)